Thursday, November 15, 2007

Day One or.. "Hi, my name is...."

Whoo-hoo! Look who found a big, fat blogspot! My own little space on online real estate. :)

Hi! My name is Kate. It is my head that you are in and you are more than welcome to come along for the ride. I am the wife of a lovely husband (7 years) and the mother of two amazing little girls. Scout will be 3 on Thanskgiving and West will be 1 right before Christmas. I know, I know... two holiday birthdays. Well, at least when they are older they can commiserate together about how horrible the holiday birthday fate is. LOL!

I am a Special Education teacher at the junior high level for children with behavioral disorders. I also have a little shop called Dressing West which sells specialty dresses and other such notions. I love this outlet to be creative, as my Master's Degree is in art and I love the palatte that fabric provides for creativity. You can check out my creations at: or at:

Alright. Off to get some actual work done while I still have some time...

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